
A brief introduction to the activity of “Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing”


   This activity is organized and carried out by the Publicity Department of the Party Committee in Banan District as the subjected activity of 2018. By inviting young people from home and abroad to learn from the 8 cultural heritage carriers, this activity aims to upgrade and enrich the communication between domestic and foreign youngsters, and to enhance the reputation of “Chongqing · Banan” abroad, as well as to improve international cooperation.

    This activity, from today to June 2018, consists of 5 subjects: a representative selection named “foreigners for heritages – to be the representative of Chongqing Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage”; “to follow a guider from far away” - the opening ceremony of ‘Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing’ as well as the guiders identification ceremony”; “Banan in foreign eyes – an experiencing activity named ‘invite my foreign friends for the flowers’”; “Learning skills abroad” - compete to be the representative for the Intangible Cultural Heritage; “Foreign students’ passion of Banan and Intangible Cultural Heritage” - the result exhibition of the whole activity.

    The mode of "Online recruitment + Offline learning" is adopted, in which, foreigners that study, work and learn in Chongqing and local youngsters that are interested would be invited on line and trained off line in Banan. The offline training (including 22 classes of 7 items taught by the carriers), assisted by the online learning (watching teaching video by themselves) would give the domestic and foreign youngsters an impressive experience of the local Intangible Cultural Heritage, their history and vigor.

    April 2nd-April 18th, 2018 is the duration for the internet recruit for “Foreigners for heritages - to be the representative of Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage.” Domestic and foreign youngsters could consult and enroll by entering the subjected channels in all websites belonged to www.cqnews.net.

    On the morning of April 20th, 2018, “To follow a guider from far away” – the opening ceremony of “Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing” will be celebrated in the Intangible Cultural Heritage theatre in Mudong Town, as well as the opening ceremony of “Learning skills abroad” – compete to be the representative for the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Phase I); when the carriers of dozens of Intangible Cultural Heritage will give live shows and select students, including Mudong Folk Songs, Jielong Percussion, Random Stitch Embroidery in Yudong District and many others.

    On the afternoon of the same day is the time for “Banan in foreign eyes” – “invite my foreign friends for the flowers”; domestic and foreign youngsters will be invited to the Duocai botanic garden in Nanpeng Street to appreciate acres of “reddest” maples, flame spouting in Sichuan Opera, having a glimpse of original local culture of Chongqing.

    22 “learning abroad” trainings about 7 items will be made by district Cultural Committee in May 2018 as the on and off line training of “To be the representative of Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage” activity.

    “Foreign students’ passion for Banan and Intangible Cultural Heritage” - the result exhibition of the whole activity and forum will be on the Day of China’s Cultural and Natural Heritage in June 2018. Several foreigners in the activity will be invited to show what they have known about the heritage and talk about their understanding about it. This forum will be a great chance to illustrate the attraction and influence of Chongqing Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    The district government will also cooperate with medias to make a video named the Pride of Banan and to live broadcast Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing”, as well as other digitalized protection results such as documentaries about the activities on major websites. All these videos will be a consistent influence booster to enhance people’s confidence in national cultures hidden deeply, and it will bring more charm to those ancient arts in a new time.

    Appendix Study plan between 2018.5.5-2018.6.3













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A brief introduction to the activity of “Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing”

2018-04-13 13:49 来源: 0 条评论

   This activity is organized and carried out by the Publicity Department of the Party Committee in Banan District as the subjected activity of 2018. By inviting young people from home and abroad to learn from the 8 cultural heritage carriers, this activity aims to upgrade and enrich the communication between domestic and foreign youngsters, and to enhance the reputation of “Chongqing · Banan” abroad, as well as to improve international cooperation.

    This activity, from today to June 2018, consists of 5 subjects: a representative selection named “foreigners for heritages – to be the representative of Chongqing Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage”; “to follow a guider from far away” - the opening ceremony of ‘Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing’ as well as the guiders identification ceremony”; “Banan in foreign eyes – an experiencing activity named ‘invite my foreign friends for the flowers’”; “Learning skills abroad” - compete to be the representative for the Intangible Cultural Heritage; “Foreign students’ passion of Banan and Intangible Cultural Heritage” - the result exhibition of the whole activity.

    The mode of "Online recruitment + Offline learning" is adopted, in which, foreigners that study, work and learn in Chongqing and local youngsters that are interested would be invited on line and trained off line in Banan. The offline training (including 22 classes of 7 items taught by the carriers), assisted by the online learning (watching teaching video by themselves) would give the domestic and foreign youngsters an impressive experience of the local Intangible Cultural Heritage, their history and vigor.

    April 2nd-April 18th, 2018 is the duration for the internet recruit for “Foreigners for heritages - to be the representative of Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage.” Domestic and foreign youngsters could consult and enroll by entering the subjected channels in all websites belonged to www.cqnews.net.

    On the morning of April 20th, 2018, “To follow a guider from far away” – the opening ceremony of “Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing” will be celebrated in the Intangible Cultural Heritage theatre in Mudong Town, as well as the opening ceremony of “Learning skills abroad” – compete to be the representative for the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Phase I); when the carriers of dozens of Intangible Cultural Heritage will give live shows and select students, including Mudong Folk Songs, Jielong Percussion, Random Stitch Embroidery in Yudong District and many others.

    On the afternoon of the same day is the time for “Banan in foreign eyes” – “invite my foreign friends for the flowers”; domestic and foreign youngsters will be invited to the Duocai botanic garden in Nanpeng Street to appreciate acres of “reddest” maples, flame spouting in Sichuan Opera, having a glimpse of original local culture of Chongqing.

    22 “learning abroad” trainings about 7 items will be made by district Cultural Committee in May 2018 as the on and off line training of “To be the representative of Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage” activity.

    “Foreign students’ passion for Banan and Intangible Cultural Heritage” - the result exhibition of the whole activity and forum will be on the Day of China’s Cultural and Natural Heritage in June 2018. Several foreigners in the activity will be invited to show what they have known about the heritage and talk about their understanding about it. This forum will be a great chance to illustrate the attraction and influence of Chongqing Banan Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    The district government will also cooperate with medias to make a video named the Pride of Banan and to live broadcast Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing”, as well as other digitalized protection results such as documentaries about the activities on major websites. All these videos will be a consistent influence booster to enhance people’s confidence in national cultures hidden deeply, and it will bring more charm to those ancient arts in a new time.

    Appendix Study plan between 2018.5.5-2018.6.3

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